Make a donation

“Whatever little you have, share it with others” Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba
Using this quote as your inspiration, share what you have with others and make a donation. Donations help us in our commitment to the advancement of quality education and training in Zambia. There are several ways that you are able to donate to the Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba Educational Trust.
Standing order (regular donation)
To make a regular donation contact your bank to set up a regular monthly payment to the DHLK Educational Trust. Click here for bank details. If you are unsure about how to set up a standing order please feel free to contact us. You can also click here to download our standing order form and if you send it to us we shall set it up for you.
Payroll giving
A payroll donation is taken from your salary before tax is deducted, so it costs you less to give more. If your employers don't have a payroll giving scheme we can help by advising them on how to set it up. Your employers may also be willing to match your donations, which will be greatly appreciated by the DHLK Educational Trust. More information is available on the HMRC website for both employees and employers.
One off donation
If you are not in a position to make a regular donation, but would still like to help, you are still able to make a difference by making a secure donation online using PayPal, or you can click here for details of where to make a UK bank transfer to our account. Please contact us if you donate in this way and tell us if it is for something in particular so that we can attribute it accurately.
Alternatively, you can make out a cheque payable to the DHLK Educational Trust and post your donation to us with our donation form to our contact address, or click here for details of where to make a UK bank transfer to our account. Which ever method that you choose to make a donation by, please tell us if the donation is for something in particular so that we can attribute it accurately.
If you are an international donor and you are making a donation from outside the UK, click here for the full bank details including the IBAN number and the SWIFT code. Once you have made the transaction can you please email us so that we are able to give you feedback.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can use Gift Aid to make your donation go further by telling HMRC to add the tax which you have already paid to your donation. It doesn’t cost you anything more and could mean an extra 28p for each pound that you give (25p in Gift Aid and - until April 2011- 3p Government Relief). If you are a higher-rate taxpayer you can use your self assessment return to reclaim the difference between the higher and basic rate of tax. You can download a Gift aid form by clicking on the Giftaid icon below. If you would like to find out more about Gift aid click here.
Gift of shares
Do you have some shares that you don't know what to do with? however small or large these shares are, a gift of shares is a great way of donating. You will benefit as it is possible to make substantial tax savings not only of capital gains tax but also on income tax as well. We benefit because by unllocking your capital and passing it onto us you can turn this gift into something that will support the great work of the DHLK Educational Trust.
In order to qualify for the tax relief the shares or securities must be listed or dealt on a recognised UK or foreign stock exchange, units in authorised unit trusts, shares in a UK open minded investment company, or holdings in certain foreign collective investment schemes.
If you would like to give a gift of shares please contact us here and we'll be able to advise you.
Go Shopping
You can also support our work at the DHLK Educational Trust by visiting our online shop (coming soon).
Leaving a legacy
By making a bequest in your will, it is a unique chance to make a lasting difference to the causes that you care about and any gifts you make to charity in a will are exempt from Inheritance Tax. If you would like to know more about how to go about writing or changing a will and the different options that there are please consult a solicitor. And if you wish to leave a charitable gift to the DHLK Educational Trust, please get in contact with us. If you would like to talk to us before you decide, please contact us here. If you would like more information on leaving a legacy click here.
If you are willing to share with us why you have made the decision to leave a legacy, we would love to tell others about what made you decide to leave a legacy to the DHLK Educational Trust. If you are planning to leave a legacy and would be willing to allow us to quote you (anonymously if requested), please contact us.
Help a charity and make a will in November
In November every year using Will aid, you can have a basic Will professionally drawn up by a solicitor in exchange for a donation to charity. Solicitors generously offer this service to raise as much money as possible for the Will Aid charities. If you are planning to take advantage of this opportunity maybe you would like to remember the DHLK Educational Trust in your will and help us in our commitment to advance the quality of education and training in Zambia. Although the DHLK Educational Trust is not included in the list of Will aid charities you are still able help us by making a donation. For more information about Will Aid click here.
Give in memory of a loved one
Giving in memory of a loved one is a special way for you to honour the memory of a loved one. It is an incredible way to help you remember a loved one and celebrate their life whilst supporting the work of the DHLK Educational Trust.
It is now becoming more common that many people choose to ask family and friends for donations in lieu of flowers at a funeral. If this is something you would like to do, we can help to make the process as simple as possible for you. We can provide you with donation envelopes (which include Gift Aid forms) and general information leaflets, which can be given to family and friends at the service. The donation envelopes also have space for a name to be written on it, so we will be able to provide you with a total amount raised in a loved one’s memory. If you would like to find out more about giving donations in memory of a loved one click here.
Information for overseas donors
Donors from outside the UK
Donors from outside of the UK can make secure donations on-line as listed above using PayPal, or you can click here for details for where to make bank transfers into our account.
Please contact us at the time of the transfer and tell us if it is for something in particular so that we can attribute it accurately.
If none of these payment methods suit you, please contact us to discuss other ways of giving.
Thankyou for your generous donation it is greatly appreciated