The DHLK Educational Trust
The Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba Educational Trust is a charity that was established in the memory of Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba. We are an educational charity that is committed to the advancement of education and training of children, youths and adults in Zambia. We welcome you all to this website and appreciate all your support.
If you would like to get involved in and support the work of the Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba Educational Trust take a moment to look through our new website. Remember "whatever little you have share it with others", any help that you can give whether it be a donation, a gift in kind or otherwise will be greatly appreciated.
Upcoming events
Keep a lookout on the website for our upcoming events and latest news, updates will be made shortly.
Social media
Our first blog entry will be coming soon. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

"Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family."
Kofi Annan

Latest project
Throughout Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba's career as an educationist he committed his life to improving education in the developing world and believed greatly in education for all, in order to carry on this legacy we aim to provide educational scholarships for students in Zambia. We need your help and support to realise this project and make it a reality
Click the icon above to watch a video on how to use easyfundrasing and the icon below to help us raise funds